DVR Makeovers
Project SEARCH
Even though it’s a government website, a page packed with good info needs presented in a friendly, inviting manner. To inspire the teens, parents and service providers to join Project SEARCH, I developed a mini website. I broke out the info into digestible chunks, letting users nosh on choice morsels focused to their interests. The site follows the style of the Department of Workforce Development website, yet gives it the special treatment this great program deserves.
DVR Visual Updates
Getting a job should be exciting. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation focuses heavily on copy. With some visual interest to the copy, visitors will find the page more dynamic and easier to read.
IRIS Re-Skin
Everyday, the great counselors and other employees of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation use the IRIS system to track their cases. While the system is constantly being enhanced, the visual aspects are often secondary. With the developers’ blessing, I tweaked only the CSS visuals to give the system a face lift. This initial mock-up was well received, but was shelved until a later date due to more pressing projects.